If you wander through my yard, you'll find there are Wild things growing there.
some things are wonderful, like the wild violets in the photo .. others, well lets just say I use a lot of roundup and I know how to use a pair of loppers.. (big grin) I love the violets.. They pop up all over the yard. I have a bunch around several trees in the side yard. A neighbor, who use to do photos for nature magazines, has used the wild violets for several photos..
My wild stuff includes, dew berries.. similar to blackberries only larger and sweeter.. I don't have many left as the bush hog dude has murdered most of them.. There are also wild onions. Husband remembers when their milk cow would get out in the spring. They couldn't drink the milk for several days. There is butterfly weed that attracts gazillions of butterflies (and chiggers) and I have a ditch that is full of tiger lillies. There are also weeds of all kinds.. some wicked little devils that crowd out the grass.. Then there is the Fescue..a very hearty grass we planted, it's like iron.. weird for grass, but it holds the dirt in place..
I have some kind of "wonder grass" that grows behind the "old store" Building. it is so thick no weeds come up through it. it has to be mowed more often.. but it's just like walking on a thick carpet. most of my grass is dotted with weeds.. including dandelions.
Wild things not only grow in my yard, but they live there too.. TICKS.. the horrid little beasties thrive here. Poor hubby can run from the cabin to the truck and most likely will pick up a Tick on the way. We also have chiggers, not to bad until the heat of summer shows up. A friend told me the best way to get rid of them is to get a new batch.. then the itching emphasis will shift from one part of your body to another.. LOL it's misery..
Millions of bugs live here.. all kinds of bees including wood bees, red wasps, black wasps, wingless wasps, flys, etc.. We also have termites. We spray for them lots.. so only have a small group that live under the foundation.. they come up into the cabin in the spring.. but through relentless vacuuming, smashing, and spraying they have only eaten one window sill out..
We have bats, mice and lizards.. If they have good sense, they will stay outside in their assigned areas. I give fair warning that any beastie that dares to enter my domain, the cabin, will be promptly sent on their way to Heaven..
We have Buffalo gnats this year.. they are horrible. they get in your eyes, nose, ears.. they make it awful to try and be outside. We seem to get a big crop of them now and again..
They make it rough on the cattle and deer here. The farmers around spray for them when they get this bad. I'm hoping they will all be gone in another week or so..
Yep, our yard is a place for wild things to grow and live.. I love them for the most part. It's really funny, when we first bought this place I would scream if a bug got on me.. well, I soon realized that I couldn't scream 24 hours a day.. so I just took a warrior attitude and now seek and destroy if necessary.. I have released what I can.. usually lady bugs that winter in the cabin..
All spiders must die.. I have killed two already this year that were a good 3 inches or larger.. huge ugly things.. ewwww.. I get the creeps just thinking about them..
My favorite wild things are the kids that show up in my yard. Kids belonging to the neighbors, friends, even our grandkids this spring.. They run and jump and play just like kids are suppose to.. They know how to play and have fun without any gizmos or gadgets.. They make forts and fight great battles.. They play "king of the mountain" and cook hot dogs on sticks over bonfires.. they stomp bugs that scare maamaw.. they are my heroes.
I allow them to enter the cabin.. I have cookies that need to be eaten..
Crittenden and Livingston cancels school for Friday
13 hours ago