These are our special girls.. This one is Sissy.. She and Rosie (see pic below) are our special little girls... They are JackRats.. LOL Husband refers to them as our Jackrats.. they are Jack Russel Terrier/ Dad.. and Mom is Rat Terrier... They love to look out the window and watch for squirrels LOL they love to tree squirrels.. bark at them, well I guess that is treeing them.. and chase them. They are squirrel nuts... or should I say " nuts for squirrels... Husband started working with them as 8 week old pups.. Now I won't guarantee that they would go hunting and tree them in the woods.. thought I don't know why they wouldn't... but they tree them all the time here.. They are on leashes.. We've had 3 dogs hit and killed here.. we are on a Hwy.. where folks drive between 60-80 mph. that and log trucks spell disaster for anything that doesn't have the good sense to stay out of the road.. We lost our Dixie the last time we were here.. and had to have our old Joe dog euthanized only 3 weeks later.. We heard about these two girls.. they were the only pups in the litter.. and they were both girls. We were very Leary of getting another dog.. but we've never been without at least two.. so we went to check them out.. we were just looking for one dog.. and I wasn't so sure we needed one right after the devastating loss of Dixie.. only a year old.. and Joe.. 14yrs.. But we went.. both these girls came bounding out of the house with their mom.. we played with them for a while.. then went across the road to see their dad.. he was a fine looking fellow and very friendly and a great hunter.. We left telling them we'd let them know in a few days.. well on the way back to the cabin Husband asked what I thought about getting them both.. I wasn't sure about one, let alone two.. but we talked about how having both dogs would give them each a playmate, someone to sleep with.. I really didn't want to go through the crying for mom all night.. the decision was made and we took both girls.. It was the best decision. Our Vet said Puppies are always better in twos.. LOL I think it's just cause he gets double the money for everything.. LOL but I think he was right.. they slept together, played together, console each other.. and tag team any animal that gets in their way.. they are really our special little girls..
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