The first time I ever had Chess Pie was in the early 80's in a little BBQ place in west Ky. It was called Wolf's and it was known throughout the area for
BBQ.. Husband's great uncle Dewy took us there for lunch one afternoon.. it was a small place, just an old block building that didn't look like anything much.. inside it was the same.. just a few tables.. most folks bought their
BBQ and took it home. home was about an hours drive, so we were dinning in..
The wonderful smell soon dispelled any misgivings I had about the lack of ambiance.. it was a heavenly smell.. pit
BBQ.. we sat at one of the tables.. and ordered our plate lunch..
BBQ with sauce, buns, pickles, onions, and sides of potato salad and
perhaps baked beans.. I don't remember what now.. and pop.... the smoke from the kitchen was overwhelming and the others headed for the door as soon as their lunches were eaten.. the smiling face lady asked me as only a true
Southerner can..
hun, would you like a piece of our chess pie, it's just out of the oven, and cool enough to eat..
ummm warm pie, my favorite.. so of course I said yes.. oh my goodness.. It was the most heavenly pie I had ever eaten.. a little
crusty on the top.. and then a thick sweet filling like nothing I'd ever had.. I was hooked..
I never asked for the recipe there.. we ate and were on our way soon after.. up to Evansville to visit a cousin.. But the pie never left my memory.. As I have mentioned before, I collect old cookbooks.. while browsing through one.. I found this recipe.. it was the closest to the one I remember at that little
restaurant.. I have made a few changes from the original.. I will write the original recipe. I always half everything (I put my adjusted amounts in the
parenthesis) you may want to also.. It is very rich and sweet.. almost to sweet in it's original form..
Chess Pie
1- 9 inch pie shell..
6- eggs (I use 3) beaten..
3- cups of white sugar ( 1-1/2 cups)
1- cup butter ( 1 stick of margarine or butter)
2 and 1/2 - Tablespoons of white vinegar ( 1- 1/4 Tablespoons)
1- Tablespoon vanilla (1- teaspoon)
Preheat oven 425..
Cream butter and sugar until no graininess remains.
In another bowl.. Beat eggs..
then add beaten eggs to the creamed mixture and beat hard.. ( I use my electric hand mixer)
add vinegar and vanilla.. beat again..
put into an unbaked pie shell..
Bake at 425 for 10 minutes..
then reduce heat to 350 ... and bake for 50 minutes.. till firm. the sugar rises to the top and forms a light brown crust.
let cool for about 15-20 minutes.. then eat... still warm.. or wait till cool...