Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Day in the Life: Day 4- Friday...

The day started the usual way.. take the dogs out.. coffee, shower, dress, watch some news, etc. Then it's off to Meijers for a haircut and some groceries.

I go to the hair salon upstairs at our local Meijers. I like the view from up there, thought I would share it with you.

The store doesn't seem this big when you are on the floor and walking the aisles.

Ok, I'm on time for my appt. Cheryl will be so proud.. LOL

I thought I would spare you the photo of me trying to get a shot of Cheryl washing my hair. I have lots of suds, but frankly, it's not very attractive. I'm saving you a lot of screaming in terror, Just take my word for it.

Here I am all done and ready to hit the grocery aisle looking cute and freshly coiffured.

I found some extra stuff I'd been looking for, sheers for the dinning room, and a rug for the place between the living room and kitchen. you'll see them both later.

I pass by this tree most days. It's really pretty so I thought I'd share it with you.

Just a fun bit of nostalgia for me. Husband, when we first started dating, would sing me the song. "I love you, a bushel and a peck".. his mom used to sing it to him when he was really little. He found me this little thing to remind me. He's a sweetie...

We had to go and fill up the truck. Hubby wanted to hit a few garage sales before dark. We decided to stop at the VFW Post to check on a walker and a cane for my upcoming knee surgery. Just in case I need a little help getting around for a couple of days.

We picked them up and decided to take home supper *Since we were there* I got the fish, but left the fries and mac/cheese there. I only asked for one coleslaw, but they took pity on me and gave me two. I am guessing I could have eaten the fries and had less fat.. oh well, the whole thing was mighty tasty. They grill some mean fish down there, and Hubby got the shrimp, which is out of this world yummy.

Here are the sheers I bought. To long, but they get the job done. I'll take them down later this summer and hem them up. I didn't want to have to take the back if they were to short. I bought them on a whim, so didn't have the exact measurements. good enough for now.

This is the pattern on the rug I got for the space between the kitchen (old crummy teal tile) and the living room (old mauve carpet) it works since the furniture in the living room is all blue, beige, and mauve.

Here is Hubby and the girls... they sleep or lie in his lap all day. When they were pups he would keep them on his lap so if they squirmed to much, he would take them out. They decided his lap was where they had to stay if he was sitting. That is where they stay. they have outgrown his lap and the chair.. but they all squeeze in together and make it work.