Friday, May 14, 2010

I Finally Read The Book: the Five People You Meet In Heaven

The Five People You Meet In Heaven
By: Mitch Albom

I love to read. After getting all involved in the computer revolution, well after learning to email and especially after finding fb. I just don't read like I use to. This past week I've had to stay quiet and keep my knee elevated, so I've spent a lot of time on my bed and the sofa.

I pick up books at yard sales, flea-markets, and library sale days. I have a stack that I've bought and a stack that others have given me. One I've wanted to read was "the five people you meet in heaven". I loved the book that Mitch Albom wrote " Tuesdays With Morrie". So I guessed this book would be good too.

It was interesting. I guess my idea of Heaven is a little different; tho Mitch's idea of us all having a connection on a greater level with each person we meet then we realize is a good one. It's really quite interesting to hear that almost all beliefs have an idea of a "Heaven". I have mine too. It's changed since I was a little girl. Goodness, It's changed since I've been an adult, but back to the book.

I liked Eddie. I felt kind of sorry for him. All the years he spent wanting a relationship with his dad. His longing for the love of his life (his wife) , his nightmares of serving in the war and his injury, and his desire to know if he saved the little girl that he died trying to protect.

I walked with Eddie through each meeting. The one thing that I really liked and that really stood out was the fourth lesson. Eddie is with his wife Marguerite. They are discussing how he thought she died to soon. How he continued to love her, and how she felt that love. Marguerite tells Eddie that
" Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it.
You dance with it.
Life has to end, Love doesn't.'

Having lost so many of my family members at a young age, I learned quickly that Love never ends. Memories are the places that hold that love and keep it alive.

As for Heaven and meeting 5 people, I'm not sure about that. I tried to envision what 5 people I might meet first in Heaven and frankly I'm not sure. I know which 5 I'd like to see first. Then I wonder if that 5 would change.
It might.

I had thought for years after my brother Keith and my papa (my adopted Dad) died that I wanted to see them first. I knew it with everything that was in me. Then the day came, a Sunday, where I suddenly realized that they were not the first ones I wanted to see. The one I really wanted to see was my Savior, Jesus.

I know the Bible says that I will see him face to face, Nothing in between. No veil, no angels, no Pastors, nothing.. I'll get to see him and He will see me. I like to think it will be like the photo above. He will throw His arms around me and hug me. He will say " Welcome Home". I get tears just thinking about it.

The others I see after that will just be icing on the cake, gravy on the biscuit, butter on the bread. My brother, my adopted parents, my Daddy Tom (my birth father), Aunts, Uncles, cousins, friends, teachers, all those I have known and those who have known me.

I know we will eat a big dinner all together. The Bible says so. I want to meet all the great men and women of the Bible and those of Faith. I want to hear their stories. I want to watch the videos. The Bible also says that I will Worship God. It won't just be me, but a great multitude, I'm thinking that will be a lot of folks.
There will be angels too.
That's going to be one great Praise and Worship service.

It was good to think about all those who have impacted my life. Those who know or maybe don't know how they made me who I am today.
Heaven, it's gonna be a great place.