This is probably the most fun I have throughout the year. It's Box packing day, and I'm pumped.
I'm a member of the Troop Support Group
"My Heart Supports The Troops". The group packs boxes for deployed Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. We pack boxes twice a month year round. Troops receive the boxes for the length of their deployment. Since March of 2003 we have mailed over 10,000 packages to over 1000 different Troops in all branches of the Military and from every corner of the country.
In the beginning our group leader, Cheryl, decided that our boxes would be different from other groups. She decided "theme" boxes would be fun for us to pack and for our Troops to receive.. There have been many themes over the past 7 yrs. The favorites vary from Troop to Troop. Most love the Christmas boxes; especially the ones with the homemade cookies and candies. Some favorites have been Barbie, bug, luau, poker party, pizza party, Nascar, and pirate boxes.
This box was our annual " Great American Memorial Day Picnic Box". It was full of all the typical memorial day picnic items including beach balls, ants, chips, gummy hamburgs and hot dogs, chips, nuts, jerky, flags, bugs, bug catchers, and even a campfire kit for making s'mores...
(We have a very creative bunch)
All the items are donated. Yep, you heard me right, DONATED.. We have Individuals, Businesses, Churches, Scout Troops, Schools, Unions, and Clubs. All the sunscreen, chips, girl scout cookies, books, magazines, USA today papers, Everything you see in the boxes was donated..
I do add a few little things of my own for my special "Soldier" box.
***only if there is room... :-)
enjoy the pictures.. and remember that you can support our Troops too.. no matter your political views we all need to support our Troops.. Join a group in your area. Donate to a group. Donate money for postage, and items for box packing. There are groups everywhere.. get involved, write letters, send emails.. you can google Troop support groups and get info. on numerous organizations.... You can find our group website at:
You will find more info. about the group, donations, pictures, upcoming events, etc.. Remember to say Thanks too. It's a small thing, but means the world to anyone in the Military...

Campfire kit

A few extras from me. Chocolate fudge, a red white and blue sparkly bow-tie, Flag, chips, oreos, chips ahoy, along with Jerky and M&M's

Toys for the Troops.. Frisbees, Balls, even Bubbles.
a lot of the toys end up with the local Children.

The Girl scouts in our area donate over 1000 boxes of cookies and cans of nuts and fruit slices every year.

Kermit even loves our Troops.. He is the official "Bug Catcher" for this box.

My Box ready to go. it's full of all kinds of yummy Picnic food...

Then it's off to the taping crew.. They make sure our boxes are just right.

Beginning the stack of boxes to be taken out to mail the next day. Our list includes about 40 names right now.. We have had as many as 100 during the Christmas holidays.

The VFW Post #2777 Sponsors the group. They also give us room to store some of the donated items, and we pack the boxes at their facility.

The Tank...
Many of our Veterans come out and pack boxes, donate items, and spend time helping with fund raising events. One Korean War Vet. made our Troops quilts.
Am I proud to be part of this group?? you bet.
God Bless America
God Bless Our Troops....