A view of life from My front porch. sharing stories, recipes, and thoughts.
After watching evening TV. I head back to the computer. The past week Cindy and I have played Scrabble in the late evening. It gives us both something to do. Cindy is a brilliant scrabble player. If I can get within 100 pts. I'm thrilled. I'm getting a little better.. I apparently need to learn some 5 and 6 letter words. I'm good at 3 and 4.
After the girls go to bed. Our psycho kitty Sylvester makes his entrance. He and the dogs do not like each other. He stays in one of the bedrooms and naps most of the day. He is an elderly gentleman and prefers napping to mouse hunting adventures. He comes out after the girls are put in the crates for the night. He gets his petting and loving.. then sleeps next to hubby most of the night.. his purring keeps us awake. Now that he is older.. (13) his snoring keeps us awake too.
Well, I'm back where I started.. turning off the computer and heading for bed. It was a fun day. I even got a quick nap in after supper. I won't bore you with anymore of the mundane everyday stuff I do.. I have routine on most days.. the rest of the days, I'll just post the special things/extra things I do that day. I have a fun week ahead. Well, mostly fun.
Now did you join in???? If not.. start today. Grab a camera. get some photos. jot down things about them.. then scrap them. fun, fun, fun, thanks Sharyn for starting me on this.. I'm having a blast.
OK, back to the kitchen. I cooked supper. We had Salad, cube steaks, baked potatoes, and Lemonade. It was good. Hubby really likes the cube steaks. I roll them in flour that has garlic, salt, pepper, and a few other spices like onion powder in it.. and fry in about a Tblsp. of oil. yummy goodness..
I look out this window in the kitchen a lot during the day. The sun is starting to set. I wish I had a good place to take a photo of it. The house next door's former owners added on, so basically now when I look out this window, all I can see is their house and the deck. nothing else. oh and our trailer.
As some of you know I'm a huge snack eater. My downfall especially these days when I have decided I need to lose weight. We watch Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights (until LOST comes on) I have to eat. We eat and talk about how we need to lose weight. Please tell me that we are not the only people who do that. I have improved my snacks. Jillian and Bob would be proud.
This is Sissy again. She gets cold and will sneak into my room and get up under the covers. She puts her head on the pillow too. It's just to funny.
This is my hubby. He bought a mower for our daughter. He has worked on it and it's mowing like a champ now. He decided to replace the blade. Off to Lowe's we went.
How hard can it be to find a blade that matches. Well, plenty hard. He bought a Universal one, but has used them before and they tend to be sloppy and let the blade wobble. Which, I was informed, can cause something to shear off.. doesn't sound good to me.. We bought it cause we needed one..
This is a picture of me and Cindy outside of Logans Roadhouse. It turned out really good. There was a first one, that well, you could see inside my nose.. not pretty.
Cindy's hubby had brain surgery a week ago. It was a real miracle. There have been some complications that were unexpected. Mark is in the hospital in rehab. I went today. It's amazing how God has brought him from paralysis on one side, to moving his arm and leg. There is progress everyday. God is Good.. After lunch with Cindy, I went to visit him.
As you can see this photo is not to good. LOL I told him about my Day in the life series and he said it would be OK to include a photo of him. He is an amazing man. Still laughing and knowing that God will get him through all of it...
After the bank, I stopped for some gas. I was mortified to see that it had gone up to $2.93. I only needed enough to get me across town and back. Good Thing.
I just like this picture. The colors I think. Colors just make me happy.
This may seem like a weird photo to you.. Don't tell hubby I was snapping photos while driving. This was my one and only time. to difficult to do safely. It's the Truck plant. There is a Metal fab plant in the complex too. The last remaining dinosaur of the Great GM plants in these parts. I decided I need to look around online and find pictures of all the plants that use to be here. I need to remember them. Most are gone and the buildings have been torn down. very sad.