I Read Marty's blog today.. (http://coffeewithmarty.blogspot.com/ ) He talked about New Years Resolutions and INTENTIONS He liked the word INTENTIONS better.. so do I.. There are lots of things I INTEND to do this year.. I'm sure there are many you INTEND to do too..
I also like that the New Year brings a New start.. I like New starts.. I let myself have them often.. like on New Years day.. the family was all over to the house eating and talking about the past year and the New one that had just come.. Some of the family has experienced difficult days.. some of those days were way past difficult.. We hoped those days are behind them.. after filling ourselves to the brim.. We ladies pondered our New start on weight loss. I don't mind telling you that we are big girls.. all of us except for the elder child who did her weight loss through the stress of life events this year.. anyway.. 3 of us vowed to make a new start at healthy eating, exercising, and losing weight.. We made a plan to exercise together when we can.. to report to each other via facebook each week with our loss for that week.. everyone was freaked out about "others" knowing their weight.. so we left it secret and will just report a loss to the group.. I immediately had to ask for a reprieve as I am the one who purchased about 3082 gazillion dollars worth of baking and cooking supplies for the Holidays.. I am not about to dump them in the garbage. So I asked for a month to eat through the "high calorie, high sugar, high fat" foods.. I will replace them with healthier things as the time goes on.. That is my INTENTION.. I also asked for a reprieve on the exercise thing.. I did great with my mile walking tape for 3 months last year.. this past summer I have damaged my knee and it's something I fear will need surgery.. Since it's not getting better.. my INTENTION is to exercise.. but I'll have to find something that doesn't require the use of my knee, legs, or muscles.. (snicker) I discussed all this Saturday with my dearest friend over lunch at the all you can eat Chinese Buffet rest. My INTENTION is to limit our lunches there. I don't think there is much on the menu that is healthy.
I have other INTENTIONS for the New Year.. I INTEND to get some kind of flooring in the bathroom, paint it... and update the shower curtain... I'd like some matching towels too.. It's been 6 yrs. since we had a friend put in a new tub surround and shower.. re-do walls etc.. He was unable to finish it.. apparently so are we.. but this year.. it's my INTENTION to do just that..
I INTEND to organize my family genealogy notes.. and box them up in a place where I can actually find them.. I have files everywhere for 3 family groups.. my Birth family, adopted family, and husbands family.. they are stacked everywhere.. that has to change.. But before I can do that I INTEND to have a huge yard sale.. one of those "Everything Must Go" Sales.. We have so much stuff lying around that we can not, and will not use.. that it's scary.. things are stacked everywhere. I fear they will send a film crew out one day from the show on Cable "hoarders".. So I INTEND to clean off the back patio, set up tables, and just start pulling things out.. I'll have to sort through it.. as hubby has some stuff he doesn't want to part with.. but I fully INTEND to have as much of it gone as I can by the end of the summer.. I also INTEND to clear out the basement extras during the sale.. We need the room..
I INTEND to plant some flowers in the front flowerbeds.. I let them go last year.. they were sad.. I INTEND to clean up the yard, paint the fence, garage, outbuildings.. oh yes, one of the sheds needs a new roof, and we need to start Replacing windows here in the house.. I INTEND to find a loving relative who will work cheap and help us do those repairs.. I'm taking any and all volunteers.. :-)
I INTEND to spend more time reading and less time on the computer. I want to make my time useful.. I can spend hours on the computer.. not much gets done.. I INTEND to create a balance and give myself at least an hour or two of reading each day..
I INTEND to remember that with a New year come New opportunities.. Opportunities to make new friends and keep in touch with old friends. Opportunities to be kind and compassionate.. opportunities to share my joy and happiness with others.. opportunities to grow and learn.. I love new opportunities.. I INTEND to use them and not let them slip by.
I INTEND to use the phone more and email less.. email is great .. but I need to call some folks more often.. I also need to write.. notes and real letters.. I need to remember that not everyone has a computer..
I INTEND to visit more.. I remember as a kid Sunday was visiting day.. we would go to Church then go visit.. Sometimes we would go for the weekend.. and spend the night.. it was fun.. I loved it.. I want to visit..
I could go on and on with my INTENTIONS.. I already plan to write another post on this.. my Spiritual goal setting for the New Year.. My INTENTIONS.. where Faith is concerned.. I got out one of my old Spiritual Journey books.. I use to set Faith goals for the year.. My INTENTION is to set goals again.. and to keep them in front of me.. to remind myself that I do have INTENTIONS.. I hope you have goals, or INTENTIONS for the New year.. I know I always hate making resolutions.. they seem to set me up for failure.. I don't like feeling like a failure.. but INTENTIONS.. maybe those will be easier to manage.. I liked something else Marty alluded to.. If we don't aspire to change.. if we don't see ourselves clearly and see that there is room to improve.. well, we do ourselves a great dis-service.. I see places that I need to improve.. places where I want to make changes.. And the New beginning of a New Year.. is the perfect place to start...
Park snow party tonight
1 hour ago