Saturday, March 28, 2009

A trip in my Truck can be exciting..

A trip in my Truck can be exciting.. 

First of all I guess I need to tell you that God speaks to me in my Truck. Not an out loud person type voice.. but that voice in your head. The one you KNOW is God. I think He speaks to me in my Truck because it's one of the few places that I sit still long enough to listen and hear Him; that and I can't leave. He has me cornered so to speak. 

I am always driving. It's almost like God is sitting there with me and we are just having a conversation. The funny thing about all this is that I talk out loud to Him.. That is unless there is someone in the truck with me. Yep, it happened one time.. thank goodness it doesn't happen all the time.. those of you who know me would think I had totally lost my mind. Well, maybe not.. I would never tell you God was speaking to me.. I think the only reason He talked to me that day with a friend in the Car, was because He had to make a point.. and I just wasn't getting it.. He had to interupt my conversation to show me what He'd been trying to say. 

Another thing about God talking to me, He tends to be very Blunt.. He just blurts stuff out.. no preparation, no Hey Karen, how has your day been.. nope.. He just Blurts it out.. usually a question.. or a , "Did you Know"... He knows I have to have straight talk. No beating around the bush, no innuendos, Just Blunt.. So He is Blunt.. 

Everything We have talked about in the truck has been Earth shattering Revelation for me. Stuff I should know, but just didn't bother thinking about long enough to get it.. I'll share an occasional one now and then.

The one this week came out of the blue on my way into town to the Grocery store. We are in west Ky. for a few weeks. As some of you may know, Ky. had it's worst ever Ice storm in January.. It devastated the trees. They are toothpicks. Many of them shattered into pieces, root waded and fell over. The trees look like a helicopter flew upside down and took the tops off all the trees. It's devastating. 

As I traveled to town, I noticed the red bud trees are starting to bloom. As I drove I noticed many of the red bud trees were broken and bent.. some were terribly twisted.. but still they were blooming. Wow.. how cool..

Then God said, "they're kind of like people aren't they Karen.. those trees are broken, twisted,and bent.. and still they do what I created them to do.. they bloom.. People are just like those trees. Most folks have some type of crisis in their lives that bend them.. or break them.. or even twist them into a totally different shape.. but they continue to be just what I created them to be.. They continue to live and to bloom just like I planned. don't ever think just because you have suffered some storm damage, that you are no longer useful.. you will continue to bloom just like I created you to."

I will remember those red bud trees every time I see someone who is facing the storms and suffers some storm damage.. I'll remember those little broken trees when I have to face the storms of life.. I'll remember and,
I'll be waiting to see how lovely their blooms will be..