Saturday, June 30, 2012

Just Three Words

  I have a favorite segment on ABC news. "Just Three Words".  I love the way people can take only 3 words to say so much. Three words. Wow the power that we can wield with just 3 words. 

I Love You
I Hate You
I Forgive You
I Miss You
Jesus Loves Me
Together We Can
Never Give Up
Believe in Yourself
I Am Enough
It's Worth It  ...   
Such power in just three little words. Word that can encourage and uplift, or wound and destroy. 

I love words. I love to say them. Ask anyone; I love to talk talk talk. Sometimes I catch myself just talking away and really saying nothing. I would prefer my words be fewer and really mean something. I want my words to Encourage and uplift. I want my words to be meaningful and give hope. 

If you could say just 3 words today. What would they be?