Today I am thankful for the job Ken had at A.C. Spark Plug. He hired on in 1965 after high school. He had moved up to Michigan and in with his dad. He put in 3 applications at 3 different plants in town. A.C. called him first. He had to go in for a physical. They asked when he could start work. He told them as soon as they wanted him. They told him to report at 2pm for 2nd shift. For 31 and a half years he walked those aisles and worked.
As I was going through photos I'm scanning for the kids, I came on his pictures from that time. It was great going through them with him. I posted some of them on my fb acct. and others on the "Remembering AC Spark Plug fb page..
Today I am thankful for the Job God gave Ken there. Thanks to the Union and many workers who came before him, Ken was able to make a good living and had access to many benefits. I know we could probably have a really great debate about the Union pro and con. I know one thing, The Union fought for the rights and benefits we enjoyed. God Blessed us with the job and the Union.
Today I am thankful for that job and the Pension we receive.