Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What I Got To Do On My Fall Vacation

As you will see from a few of my previous Posts, We spent 2 weeks this fall at our little Ky. cabin. We were hoping to spend a little more time there.. but hubby wasn't feeling well and I had to get back to work the General Election. I would have been thoroughly disgusted by our abbreviated trip except for one thing... I got to see my brother.

That may not seem like a big deal to most.. but it was to me. You see I haven't seen him for about 18yrs. I think he was 15 or 16 the last time I saw him, He thinks he was 14.. who knows, I just know it was a very long time ago. to long.

As you may have read in a previous post, I was adopted. I met my birth-family almost 20 yrs ago. Mom was living northeast of here with my youngest siblings. My brother Juan and Sister Francisca. After only a few months of visits and getting to know them and the rest of mom's family, She and the kids moved back to Texas. She had lived there for many years and was really homesick for Texas. Trips were planned, but seemed to fall through at the last minute. We would talk on the phone, and message over the Internet, but we never did get to see each other face to face..

Before I knew it Juan had graduated high school and was working. Time flew by and I heard he was getting married. Wow.. cool.. Then the call came that had us both laughing.. He was going into the Army. Egad the boy, I mean man was almost 30. What was he thinking? LOL he told me "Sis, if I can live through basic, I can live through anything".. We laughed, especially when he told me the rest of his group called him grandpa.. they were mostly 18 yr old.. LOL Grandpa kept up with them and surpassed most..

Juan was trained and placed in a Calvary unit. We really like the hat and the spurs.. LOL looking good little brother.. anyway.. He was deployed to Iraq twice. Due to some injuries sustained through IED attacks he is retiring out this winter.

He was the reason we went to Ky. I got to spend 4 glorious days with him and his family. We got to hear some great stories and just talk. He even made Chicken enchiladas and rice for us. It was wonderful. It was so great to just sit and look at him. What a wonderful man he has grown into. I was so thrilled to meet his wife and their grandson. They are raising him. What a beautiful family they are.

The time with my brother and his family was way to short. But it was so good to see them.
We got lots of great pictures. I even got a Camel from FOB Warrior.. a real treat.. He sits in my bedroom gazing out the window. We promised that another 18 yrs would not pass before we saw each other again. It's a promise I plan on keeping. He does too. It was difficult to watch him drive away, but so good to think on those days that we got to look at each other.. and laugh together.