A Typical Black Friday Crowd
If you have read any of my recent posts on Facebook you will see that I did most of my Black Friday Christmas shopping from my dinning room; in my Jammie's, and Online.
I loved it. No pushing. No shoving. No cussing. No rude arrogant tirades at defenseless cashiers. No standing in line for 45 minutes to find out the person in front of me got the last one.
It was fabulous. I loved it.
I did go out to the store late in the afternoon.
It was wonderful. I found parking near the front of the stores. I could actually walk down the aisles without being in fear for my life. I even bought a few items. Some of them were on sale too.
I don't mind tooting my own horn on occasion. I got some great deals. There will be some smiley faces on Christmas at our house. That's a good thing.
I returned home this evening to check out my email
(in case some email alert on a special item should be in the inbox.)
Having found nothing special I decided to peruse through my wall feed on facebook. I see a lot of interesting comments there. Today was the usual, game requests, prayer requests, even a friend request. Funny comments about lots of stuff.
Then I saw this posted :
Just set the manger up under the Christmas tree. my daughter just offered baby Jesus some microwave popcorn. :)
How precious is that? I was so busy today trying to find just the right gifts. I was so proud of myself. Then I read that post.
I was again reminded that Christmas is not about the Sales, the great gift finds, or how much money I saved. (though that is a good thing, being all wise with my money and staying on budget.)
I was again reminded that the best Gift, The first gift of the Season, came over 2000 years ago. That gift was Jesus. I need to offer Him a gift. That little girl was offering that little baby in the manger something that was hers. Something special to her.
So today as I mark the gifts I purchased off my list, and calculate where I am according to my Christmas budget, I'm going to remember to offer myself as a gift to Jesus. He can have anything I've got.
You may be asking why...
Because He gave all of Himself for me...
Happy Black Friday, Happy Shopping, and Merry Christmas!!!