Today I got out my Angry face.. I don't usually do that.. I really try hard not to get myself angry.. it doesn't accomplish anything.. and in my case, it usually makes more problems..
We have our Place in Ky.. where my front porch lives... well this afternoon we got the call from friends, that someone had broken into the house and had ransacked the place..
We have an idea of who may and I stress the word May.. be involved.. it was more then one person.. we think.. they got in the back after numerous attempts at other windows.. they went through and dumped out our garbage can on wheels.. I keep all my bedding in there so the mice don't eat it up.. and filled the garbage can with assorted treasures.. our treasures..
now they didn't take the usual stuff.. nothing that had name brands or identifying marks.. like the TV, VCR, power tools etc.. nope they left those for now. I think they came on foot.. so they needed the garbage can to carry their loot home.. grrrr..
now they didn't take the usual stuff.. nothing that had name brands or identifying marks.. like the TV, VCR, power tools etc.. nope they left those for now. I think they came on foot.. so they needed the garbage can to carry their loot home.. grrrr..
nope they took the antiques.. specifically some that are very precious to me.. they are worth money, yes, but they were worth so much more to me.. My grandmother's and great grandmothers old cast iron bean pot... grt. gran cooked with it over the fireplace before there was a stove in the house.. it was one of only two things I had from my grandmother..
they took all the antique kitchen stuff.. most given to me by friends.. or bought as remembrances on trips.. they took the kerosene lamps. not the old ones, but the newer ones my dear husband bought for me for my birthday and Christmas.. they took more too.. they took my peace of mind.. they took my security.. and they took my happy day away..
They have caused me to again see the evil in men... they made my face angry.. and that makes me sad.. My first thought was to find them and kill them.. then I thought if we could just find them and chop their hands off like they do in other countries when they steal..
I thought about setting some contraption up that would electrocute anyone who tried to get in through the windows or door.. ya, fry their butts.. I want to smack them.. I want to punch them.. I want to know why.. I know it was for some quick bucks.. for beer and or drugs I'm sure.
Husband is beside himself.. with his health issues he tends to get upset over minor things.. this is major for him.. his idea.. sell our place and get out before they come back to get the rest.. with his health issues.. we have not been to our place as much as we normally do. We are talking of going down in a bit and making a list of items and worth for the State Trooper who came.. I am hopeful that maybe someday I'll see my things again.. but I know they are probably already gone and sitting in someones home..
I hope they take care of them.. and have the wonderful memories I have of them..
My angry face didn't stay to long.. now my face and my heart are sad.. Sad that someone, likely a neighbor, (we found out others have been broken into.. and others have had things stolen out of their yards, gas, batteries, air compressors and the like) would do such meanness..
Sad that our home has been gone through.. every drawer, box, and outbuilding.. looking to see what can be taken later on.. that bothers me the most.. the idea that what they took won't be enough.. most likely they will return and see what else they can take..
My Christian self says I need to pray for them.. I really want to.. but today I can't.. oh I want to pray for God to get em.. then I think what I really want is for God to get a hold of them.. I want Him to bring them to justice.. I want Him to make them sorry.. And I want Him to make them change their evil ways.. I'll pray for them.. tomorrow..
I know it's just stuff.. and things could have been much worse.. I am thankful for friends who discovered the break in today and know that it had to have happened sometime between thursday evening and this morning.. Saturday.. I'm glad they stayed at our place and waited for the State Trooper to come.. I'm glad they cleaned up what they could and have already fixed the window for now..
We have some ideas about that to.. We'll make it harder for the next time.. I figure I had to work to get the stuff .. you need to work to steal it from me... I'm thankful for friends who have already offered they're love and hugs.. And for friends who are keeping an eye and ear out for more information.. it's a small community, but a tight one.. everybody eventually knows everything.. I like that..
We have some ideas about that to.. We'll make it harder for the next time.. I figure I had to work to get the stuff .. you need to work to steal it from me... I'm thankful for friends who have already offered they're love and hugs.. And for friends who are keeping an eye and ear out for more information.. it's a small community, but a tight one.. everybody eventually knows everything.. I like that..