I'm cutting out Boomerangs and Sheep today.. I've got one day of Bible verses and the Sheep already finished. I'll be making railroads tracks.. or something that resembles a railroad track, I hope, this weekend.. oh and I have to make my poster, and make another game, and cut out another 200 boomerangs with Bible verses on them, and I have to finish cutting out some really cool Bible Verse reminder card thingys.. only 100 of them.. and finish making up the stickers.. Wooo It's Vacation Bible school time again. Can you tell.. Can you smell the elmers glue and the snacks?.. Isn't it grand.. I love this time of year.. I love the running and preparing and trying to think like a 6 yr. old and like a 14 yr. old.. LOL I try anyway.
This year our setup is a little different.. We usually have classes for the respective age groups.. homerooms so to speak.. the kid's would go to Worship Rally, then to the "home room" for the Bible story and an activity.. then would go on a rotation to "missions", snack, crafts, and music. They would then return to "Home Room" for the final 15 minutes and there would be activities and questions to re-enforce the Bible lesson of the day.. This year We are doing the Worship Rally and then all the kiddaroos (giggle) will be rotating to each area, Bible story, crafts, snacks, missions, and music.. Even the young ones will be rotating.. just like the big kids.. Fun, Fun, Fun... So Each Bible study teacher only has to learn a story or two and then plan some activities for each group of students.. This will be fun and challenging.. I haven't taught 5 yr olds in Bible School for years.. and youth, never.. I wonder if teenagers like to hop like kangaroos around the room? or play toss the boomerang? I'll find out.. I have the Story for 2 nights.. I am Blessed with wonderful helper teachers who are preparing to dress in character and tell the story.. I just have to do the activities to go along with them.. I have found some fun things to do. I'm glad.. hopefully the youth will still speak to me after next week.. Bible school starts on Sunday night..
(July 19) oh my, Bible school starts on SUNDAY NIGHT... I still have Bible verse stickers to make (my idea) and railroad tracks to make.. I sure hope they look like railroad tracks... my talent is slim to none in the decorating/cutting out duties...
Our Theme, did I tell you? Is the Boomerang Express.. We will be in the OutBack of Australia.. learning that "It all comes back to Jesus"... I have searched high and low.. I have not one thing that is khaki or looks Outbacky to me.. I thought about trying to do an accent.. I'd be good for a while especially with the "gooday mate" but then would loose my train of thought and revert to something that sounds like midwesterner lives with hillbilly..
LOL I love to get into character.. and since I won't be one of the Bible Story Characters I have come up with a plan.. I'm going to be a safety Official at the train station.. Our Bible Study room will be decorated like a train station.. our passengers will be stopping by on their way to other areas of Australia.. I bought a really cute and obviously popular florescent orange and yellow (with reflective tape) vest.. I have an equally attractive old straw hat.. I'm hoping that will help me remember who I am.. the first night of Bible school I'll have to have the kiddaroos help me remove sheep from the tracks.. (why I need to make train tracks).. both nights I'll have the kiddaroos help me watch for some special guest riders... Peter, and Rhoda... Safety first you know.. safe to Ride the Express train.. and Safe in the Arms of Jesus.. Safety involves being aware of the dangers (sin) and making sure that you follow the rules (God's way) to stay safe.. the best way to do that is to Follow Jesus..
I'm still working a few things out.. but that's the gist of it.. My favorite night, Is when as part of our teaching, I get to share how We can follow the ABC's of becoming a Christian..
Accept (that we are all sinners) Believe (that Jesus died for us, took all our sin on himself, and that God raised Him from the dead) Confess (repent of our sins and ask Jesus to come in our hearts and be the boss of our lives) It's an exciting time to share with children about the great love God has for them.. My favorite part is always sharing with the kids who want to know more.. or have decided they want to follow Jesus and accept Him as their personal Savior.
I guess Vacation Bible school holds a special place in my heart.. I came to accept Jesus as my Personal Savior through a neighbor asking if our Susan could go with them to Bible school.. that was 27 years ago.. through vacation Bible school I got involved in attending Bible study and Worship.. within a couple of months of my first attending, my brother Keith died in a fishing accident.. the one thing I knew that I needed the most.. was to Know, not just hope. I needed to Know that when I died I was going to Heaven.. I had heard bro. Bob preach it every Sunday for 2 months.. "you can know that when you die you are going to Heaven" I wanted to know that .. I told God right there in the Hospital chapel that I needed Him.. I needed to Know that I would be in Heaven with Keith someday... I attended Church on that next Sunday.. hoping it wasn't to late for me.. I didn't know everything.. but I knew enough to know I was lost with no hope of ever getting to Heaven on my own.. I walked the aisle during the Alter call/ invitation and asked for help so I could accept Jesus as my Savior..
Today my our daughters and their children are all Believers... All because of Vacation Bible School..
yep, I love it.. every hectic, glue filled, child laughing, koolaid smiley faced, singing, Bible story telling, Childing accepting Jesus as Savior, Minute of it...
Look for Vacation Bible school.. get your kids involved.. get aquainted with the folks there.. you never Know.. God may just get a chance to show YOU how much He Loves You.. Got to get back to my boomerangs and sheep..
Good on ya, I'll see ya there mate..
County closes offices for afternoon
3 minutes ago