Friday, April 18, 2014

Holy Week pt. 5..The Sentence Is Death

 It's been a long night for Jesus and the disciples. Jesus has endured more questioning. he was even sent to see King Herod (Luke 23: 1-12) 

Herod was thrilled to see this Jesus, He'd heard about him and wanted to see him do a miracle. He wanted a show. He wanted proof that Jesus was who people said he was. He plied him with questions, but Jesus answered none of them. The Chief priests continued to accuse him, but Jesus said nothing. 

I can't tell you the number of times I've heard people say,"if there is a God, prove it".  they want a show. Maybe it's our culture. We want to be entertained. We like the show part. the big audacious costumes, bright lights, and some kind of super cool attraction. It seems the times and the cultures really make no difference. We want to be entertained. Herod wanted it. I can just hear him" oh come on Jesus, show me something. Here is water, turn it into wine. 

i had the album "Jesus Christ Superstar" growing up. One of my favorite songs was when Jesus went to see Herod. I love the verse " So if you are the Christ, the great Jesus Christ, prove to me that you're no fool, walk across my swimming pool". (you can here it here.)  wow, how many times have we asked for some kind of proof that Jesus is who he says he is ? Jesus said nothing. He did nothing. Herod quickly tired of him. Herod and his soldiers mocked Jesus. They placed a royal robe on him and sent him back to Pilate. 

Pilate called together the Chief priests, rulers and the people. He told them that he and Herod could find no reason to execute this man. He'd just have him whipped and let him go. The whole crowd in a demanding voice yelled "Crucify him, Crucify him. Finally after offering Jesus or Barabbas to the people. The people chose Barabbas, a murderer to go free. Pilate granted their wish and surrendered Jesus to their will.  (Luke 23: 13-25) 

As things had progressed during the night and into the early morning hours I think a few of Jesus' followers remained with the large crowd to see what was going to happen. I can see them trying to blend into the crowd, hanging back, not wanting anyone to see their faces so as to associate them with Jesus. I think the women may have tried to stay as close to the front of the crowd as they could get. Especially Mary, Jesus' mother. Her child was in real danger. I'm sure her memories wandered to that day the angel appeared and told her she would have a child. That his name would be Jesus and he would save his people from their sins. I imagine that she saw him now as that little boy running from his father's carpenter shop with something he'd just made with his dad. I'll bet she remembered the first miracle Jesus preformed at the wedding when the wine had run out and she asked for his help. I can't imagine his mom being anywhere but as close as she could get to him. I wonder if Jesus scanned the crowd to look for her. I'll bet he did. The son in him would do that. I'm sure he hoped she was not there. I'll bet he hoped one of his disciples had taken her away somewhere so she wouldn't have to watch the beatings or see the blood. I'll bet secretly though in his heart, when he saw his mom, he felt better. 

it's still early on Friday morning. Jesus knows that later today he will die. The plan was made long ago. The time to fulfill the promise of a Savior had come. The next few hours were going to be filled with torture and pain. He knew, and yet He stayed steadfast. He didn't beg for his life, he didn't demand an attorney. He didn't spit on the people who spit on him. I can just see him looking out at the crowd with love and forgiveness..  yes, it's still early on Friday morning and death will soon come.