Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birthdays are for Family, Fun, and Cake...

It's hard to believe that my favorite husband has reached another milestone Birthday. Today he is 65... or like he says "39 again"..  It was a great day from the start. My sister Pennie, whom I haven't seen in a coon's age, came up to finish some tests and we got to meet for breakfast. It was great to see her and talk about her daughter's weddings, both later this year.

Then it was off to grab the ingredients for Husband's favorite Birthday cake. Pineapple Upside down cake. He loves it. Being diabetic he gets only one a year that has real sugar just oozing out of it. I hurried home with it, a new smoke/fire detector, (that's a post all on it's own) and a burger and frosty from Wendys for the Birthday boy. I began to think that he really is taking me seriously about this being "His" day and we could do what he wanted all day thing.. LOL

I got back home and got the cake in the oven. I had some time for a quick nap, then I got the call that our oldest daughter and Jon her youngest son, were on their way. We were both anxious to see Jon. He lives and works in Southern Ill. and It's been 2 yrs. since we've seen him. They arrived and we heard our youngest daughter was on her way. We hadn't planned on seeing her so it was a wonderful surprise.

We decided on KFC. and I ran to pick it up.. We filled our bellies with Chicken, potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, biscuits, and baked beans. It was grand. Then we listened to Husband tell stories and we laughed good hearty belly laughs. I love it..

Finally it was time for singing.. Yes, we still sing, and blowing out the ceremonial candle. then slicing and serving. The Birthday boy got his piece of cake and left the rest of us to fend for ourselves.

This is the results after each on got a piece with a pineapple ring. LOL  I guess I should have added more pineapple rings. We all laughed some more. It was a great day. Lots of family, and laughter, good food, and wonderful stories. A day for remembering how important Birthdays and families are to us all.