Monday, October 15, 2012

The Back Porch Is Finally Finished...

I know it's been a long time coming. I've talked about it for the past 2 yrs. Finally it's done, and here are the pictures to prove it.. 

There is a table under here. all the things I really needed to get to ended up here by the back door. 
before #1 

I don't know how this happened. Well that's a lie, I do know. We yard saled and flea-marketed ourselves out of room. The back porch became the catch all for everything we didn't have a place for in the house. It took us about 15 yrs. but we finally got it to the point of tossing it up over our heads onto a pile. 
You remember we didn't have a floor in a part of it.. 22yrs. waiting for it to be finished. 
All the Knee surgeries this past 2 yrs. had left me unable to do the 2 1/2 foot drop down to get to those things. 
This summer with the help of my grandchildren, the neighbors, and some dear friends I was able to go through everything. We had a huge hoard sale. Afterwards everything that was left was donated. 
The things we kept were packed away and labeled. 

after #1

I got these great shelving units at Home Depot for $20. they are awesome. 

Before #2 
This is what the left side of the doorway looked like, totes, Christmas trees, and all my coupon goodies stacked.. you can't see it, but I had a wall of paper towel.. LOL  and yes I had garbage bags for curtains. 
I know I know.. yuk

After #2 
We still have to put up insulation and drywall. and we need to put in the wood floor over the cement. 
This is such a great improvement that frankly I don't care if we never get it boxed in and heated, though it would be nice to have the extra living space. 

Before #3
This is another look at the table and the Secretary across the way.. 

After #3
Much easier to see now. The Secretary will be given to our Niece. She's wanted it for years. When any of us take a notion to do some repair work to it.. It's hers. 

Before #4
this is looking down into the pit (that 2 1/2 foot drop) it was stacked out there too. Neither of us could manage to get down there. I was so glad for the grand-kids who scurried down there and hauled it all out for me to go through. 

After #4
Now with my new floor and easy access to everything. I can just walk out and find it. 
I sneak out there a couple times a day and just walk around. it's amazing. 

The ugliest ever polka dotted and flocked sheer panels. 
the only ones I could find that fit the windows using only one panel. 

Hubby had me order Sheer panels to put over the windows.
 I love the light and really the garbage bags had to go. 

Now everything is boxed up and labeled It's great and will be easy to find. 
I remembered to put the least used items on the bottom 
so I won't have to move 3 or 4 boxes to get to my stuff.. 

This is almost to organized.. LOL 

I love the idea of labeling, and just in case the tape or the labels fall off.. I wrote 
on the boxes what was in them. so it would be easy to make a new label. 

I got the 5ft table set up with my Roaster, Bread Machine, Mixer,dehydrator, 
vacuum sealer, and sewing Machine. 
I have enough room to set up one of my folding tables and sew 
or work on my scrap-booking. 

Last but not least I have two windows that look out into the yard. 
I had hubby hang a Suet feeder there. I'll be able to watch the birds from my 
computer. It'll be great. I can't wait..