Let's see, oh yes, The next scars I received as an adult. I had to have my gall-bladder out, a carpel tunnel afflicted wrist repaired, and a knee scope.
The gall bladder was exciting the first symptoms I got while we were on vacation. I got hubby to take me to a neighbor. Geneva had been a nurse as a young woman. I would have gone to the ER except there was the worst fog I've ever seen. we had to creep the less then 1/2 mile distance to Geneva's farm. You literally could not see you hand in front of your face.
I couldn't breath for the pain. She got up and got me walking around her living room. She suspected it was a gall-bladder attack and told us so. When the pain passed, I decided I was OK to return home. I didn't want to go to the hospital there. It's a lovely small town, but the hospital is very small and not well equipped. They can keep you alive and usually stabilize a person until an ambulance or life-flight can take them to a larger hospital. I suffered 2 more attacks while there.
I returned home and immediately called my gastro guy.. He sent me for ultra sound and to the surgeon my Niece (the RN) recommended. My appointment was scheduled for a month later that left me not to pleased with the prospect of dealing with the nausea and pain for 4 more weeks. I was living on mashed potatoes and saltine crackers and the hope that they would not trigger an attack. Not fun..
My Gastro guy called to see if I had seen the Surgeon. Yes, you heard me right, He called Me... I told him my appointment was scheduled for a month from that date. He pronounced that I could not wait and hung up. I didn't really think his opinion mattered as Gastro guy was not doing the surgery nor was he the one who made the appointments. I was lucky to get in to this surgeon so I took the date I could get. About an hour later I got a call from Surgery guy's office. They had an opening the next day in the afternoon, did I think I could make it in. I said yes ! and did the happy dance for 5 whole minutes.
I waited in Surgery guys waiting room for about 2 hours. You could tell he had worked me in. I finally was led back to the exam room and waited. I had heard he was an excellent surgeon but didn't have much of a bedside manner. I didn't care, I wanted him to take out my gall-bladder, not take me out for dinner and a movie.. I didn't care at that point if he was Attila the Hun.
He came in and was quite pleasant. The first question he asked me was if I was a family member of the Gastro Dr. that had called him the preceding day. Called him out of surgery to tell him that I had to see have an immediate apt. and I needed surgery as soon as possible. I politely told him, No, Gastro Dr. was no relation. Well, He said, would the day after tomorrow be okay for the surgery. I was speechless, I said yes, and that was it. Easy peasy lemon squeesy...
Another scar was added. Actually there are 3 small 1 inch scars. that was where they did the whole surgery. through those holes. Just like my knee scope.
When I see that scar, I remember that having friends is important. Sometimes knowing the right person is very important. Gastro Dr. was well liked and well respected in his profession. When he asked for something to happen it did.
OK, that's enough scar stories for today. I have one left. The funniest one of all. You'll have to wait. maybe a day or two, but I can guarantee it will be well worth the wait..