Thursday, April 26, 2012
Leaning To Trust God Even When The Word Is Cancer...
Over the past few weeks I've realized how God has grown me in the Trust department. As those of you who know me have seen, my middle name is panic. I don't like it, but it's true. I've decided to share this Trust journey here. Probably more for myself then for anyone else. I want to write it. To express it or try to express it. I need to get it out and on paper. I need to have a record of this journey so I can go back and see each step that God led me through. I attempted to write it in a journal I keep by my bed. I just can't do it. My handwriting is atrocious and I doubt that in a year I'd even be able to understand it myself. If I write it here then family and friends, who want to follow the journey, will have an easier time of it.
I will start here by saying that this is not my journey. It's my husbands journey. I'm walking it with him. Prostrate cancer was the diagnosis. Cancer was the word. I won't share a lot about husband's feelings. to be honest he doesn't say much. I really think it's personal enough that I should let him share it with you himself. I will from time share some of his thoughts.These writings will be about my journey with him through this. My time of learning to Trust God even when the word is Cancer.
I do want you to encourage the men in your life to begin getting their PSA tests done when recommended by their Doctor. You can Click here for more information.
The PSA test (yearly blood test) results alerted our family Doctor of the need for a referral to a Urologist. I'll go into all that in another post, but I want to make sure you encourage your fathers, brothers, uncles, grandpas, cousins, all the men in your life to have this simple blood test done. Prostrate cancer is very treatable when caught in it's early stages. The next post will catch you up to where we are today with this journey. All the tests and referrals take time. I'm not so good with the waiting thing either, but God knows that and Thankfully He just works with me on one area at a time. This time it's being Quiet/Calm and Trusting Him, Even when the word is Cancer.
prostrate cancer,