Monday, August 12, 2013
Blessed In So Many Ways....
I've been thinking all weekend about how Blessed I am. This weekend in particular was a revelation.
I started my week with a liquid diet and some other wonderful prep for a (cough) colonoscopy. I definitely did not feel blessed. I felt hungry. I also felt out of control.. (friends who know me, it's OK to laugh here) they are laughing because I have real issues with being a control freak, but that's another blog post.
Test day came and I wasn't fearful of the outcome. That was a blessing in itself. I have always been full of fear over tests. For the past year or so I find that I am overwhelmed with calm and trust that God is taking good care of me. I don't have to fear tests. Even when I had to go to ER and was admitted to the hopital; I didn't have a bit of fear, but again a calm (the Peace of God) just filled me.. The results were perfect. No problems. I am Blessed.
The following few days were busy with the usual day to day things. I had to run to Wal-mart on Saturday to pick up a few things. I was overwhelmed right there with a sense of Joy and Peace so profound that it was difficult to just walk calmly through the store. God just pulled me aside and flooded my with His peace. A peace I can't describe to you. I felt so abundantly blessed. God showed me how blessed I am. I can't even describe it to you. I just saw all that He has done for me and how deeply He loves me. I know my little pee wee human mind can't really know or understand the depth of Love the God who created the universe has for me. But I sure felt and Understood what He showed me.
Again today during Bible study when we discussed the women who went to the tomb to prepare Jesus' body for burial and found he was not there the sense of wonder at the love that was expressed through that sacrifice flooded my soul.
To know the Love of my family, my Church family, and friends both near and far overwhelms me. I know that many of you have prayed for me the past couple of weeks. I've felt it.
I am overjoyed by it, and by the Blessings I have. So richly blessed.
As we stood and sang " I stand amazed" in Worship this morning. I could really say I stand amazed. Amazed at a full life, amazed at my Savior's love for me.
The best part is that He loves you like that too. I hope today you feel Blessed.. Richly Blessed... Loved beyond understanding, full of Joy and Hope.