Wednesday, May 8, 2013
We've Been Looking....
Today I'm excited. You may wonder why so I'll tell ya. We've been Looking. For what you may ask, for a Pastor would be my response. Our Church has been without a Pastor for almost 2 years. You may think that odd. I would have years ago. Most of the Churches I attended as a young child would just take the pastor the governing body of the denomination would send. It didn't matter who he was or what he was like. He was yours and you kept him till he retired or died. Then you'd get another one.
The Denomination I belong to now doesn't do things that way. There is no governing board that "sends someone". Each Church is autonomous and chooses their own Pastor. It's a process, and I think a very good one.
A Pastor Search committee was formed, and has been working for months going through "the process".
We were told 2 Sundays ago that a man will be coming in June in "in view of a call" to come and be our Pastor. A quick translation of that is He comes, He preaches, we eat, We ask questions, We pray about it for a week and then We vote.
We have been told of our prospective Pastor. His personal info., family info. (I love that he has a family), his educational background etc. I'm thrilled. I'll jump the gun a little here and say I'm a fan already. I love that he is a social media type. He tweets, facebooks, blogs,, and his sermons are even online. I've listened to one and it was was wonderful. He even loves coffee. ( I'm whooping here) The only drawback I see so far is that he seems to be a "die hard" St. Louis Cardinals fan. Well I guess he can't be perfect.
It seems like I know him already. I've prayed for him and his family for so long. I didn't know it then, but it was him. I'm so excited. So thrilled, and so ready to see where God will direct us. We have been blessed to have an awesome interim Pastor. Bro. Gary has been wonderful and has kept us focused on what God has for us. I think sometimes we can get so hung up on not having a Pastor that we forget who is really Leading us.
I'm praying that this is God's man for us at this time. I'm praying that We, as the Church, Will continue to pray for God's will and direction. I feel like we've come together in a special way these last few months. We've seen God move in some awesome ways. He's not done with us yet. (a big woot woot here)
Today I'm filled with expectation, anticipation, and exhilaration. I'm full of Joy and Hope . I'm looking forward to what God is doing in our midst..