This is my cousin Mike.
He likes to run.
He likes to run Marathons.
He will be running The Marine Corps Marathon in DC in Oct.
to raise money for Operation Homefront.
It's a great organization, you can read about the run here:
Mike will be running in support of our Troops.
This run is close to his heart, Our hearts.
Our cousin Thomas Robert Tormanen was a Marine.
He lost his life in the first gulf war.
On this Memorial Day Weekend I think of Tommy.
I remember him as a young preschooler
playing in the sand with trucks
fishing with his dad
eating ice cream...
The things that all of us do with our cousins,
kids, dads, brothers, and friends.
Tommy was proud to be a Marine.
Proud to serve.
He would be especially proud of Mike.
On that day in Oct. there will be many runners.
All with one thing on their minds
and in their hearts...
Our Troops.
I hope as you enjoy your camping, bon-fires, cookouts,
parades, fishing, gardening, swimming,
and family this Memorial day weekend.
I hope you take time to remember those
who made all the freedoms we enjoy Possible.
Take some time to remember those who have given their
lives for those freedoms..
Then remember those who are serving today.
They are far away from home, camping,
cookouts, fishing, swimming, bon-fires, and family.
Remember them, and support them.
Thanks Mike
Thanks for running...
Our hearts will run with you..