Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Am One Whipped Puppy...

This is how my week of Cleaning and getting ready for my knee surgery began. Full of ideas, energy, and looking oh so cute and stylish.

This is how I feel tonight... I am one whipped puppy. I got almost everything done. The rest will wait for me.

I took photos of Packing boxes for the Troops tonight. I'll post them later. I have to go take a shower and go to bed. Kind of weird I think. Not just one shower tomorrow.. but I have to take one tonight and tomorrow morning... And I MUST use anti-bacterial soap. thank God I have some..
OK, I'm off to my shower.. I'll let you know how things go when I can get down and up a stair. I am sure I will be in agony with no computer for a few days. I can't wait to get out here again. Now to find something I can use to elevate my leg.