Today was the day that I filled in the new Calendars. I usually have 3.
#1. The one I hang up by the phone. It's handy to write appointments on. Since I'm standing right there. I use that one since I hope I will actually look at it. LOL I'm on the phone at least once a day, so I use it in hopes that I will check the calendar out every day.
#2. The one that is out by my computer. I try to open it every morning. I take it to meetings to fill in dates for events and such. I keep all the birthdays on this calendar. I try to remember to add them as I find them. I plan every year to make sure to email, call, or fb message everyone on their birthdays. I'm still trying to make that goal. I have great intentions, I really do.
#3 The last calendar is one of the little pocket ones I keep in my purse. For those occasions like when I'm at the Dr. or dentist and I need to make another appt. I use to write all the birthdays on it. Those little tiny squares are just not big enough. I have to write everything in abbreviations and hope I can remember what they mean later. I have to laugh because this past year there were several times when I had no idea what my scratching abbreviations meant. I always used this calendar exclusively in the past, but these days I just keep it in case I need to know something while I'm out. I mostly keep notes in it. Phone #'s.. what I'm allergic to .. just in case I end up in an accident and have to go to the ER. Contact phone numbers.. My Doctor's phone number. Who to contact in case of emergency etc. I keep lists of stuff in the little plastic sleeve too.. I like it for that.
While I was filling out the Calendars today I was struck by how quickly the year flies by. Then I noticed that even though we think of a month being long; they are really quite short. Only 4 weeks. I seemed to whiz through the year at breakneck speed as I was adding b-days, appts., and tentative event dates. I thought to myself " No wonder the year flies by so quickly, It's only 52 weeks long. Not Long at all".
I had to laugh, I was telling hubby all about what I did last year. My life is all written down on those Calendar squares. Appointments, Surgeries, Graduation Open houses, lunches with friends, Wedding and baby showers, Weddings, and Funerals, county fairs, and vacation dates. Days in my life. He mentioned that is was just like a diary. It is. So take a look through your calendar. Look at each little square and all the stuff you did. I'll bet it's full of life.
I can't wait to see what those new pretty white and empty squares will fill up with this year. I can't wait to see what fun awaits us. I'm ready.
Happy New year to you...
May your Calendar be full of Fun, Joy, Laughter,
Family, Friends, Food, and Celebrations.