X-rays were taken and as I suspected no breaks or cracks. YIPPEE. I finally got an appt. for an MRI this week. tomorrow as a matter of fact. at 11:15 pm.. LOL yep PM.. our facility is open 24 hrs. I'm just glad I get to go and get it done. finally. With all the pain I know I've done something. just not sure what.
In the meantime I had some surgery Ya, you heard me right surgery. menopause has not been easy on me. I had some trouble a couple of years ago too. This time I had a cyst along with more stuff that needed to be removed.. I'll spare you all the gory details. I got the biopsy report today. Cancer Free.
Praise the Lord. I am so thankful. I wasn't really worried about it. Actually I didn't even consider a different outcome. Some would call that Peace I felt denial. I choose to call it Faith. I knew it would all be OK.
I am still having some cramping and other twinges, but nothing this old girl can't take. actually the knee pain keeps the belly pain out off my mind unless my belly is really being sassy.
This knee thing has really put a cramp in my summer. I've missed some of my great nieces and nephews graduations, a cousin's wedding, several family picnics, a great nephew's reception, lake time, fishing, walking outside, helping work at the troop support group events, tractor shows, and gardening.
I've also managed to avoid all major cleaning projects. I just do the very minimum so we don't all die of some horrible disease. I've also managed to avoid a lot of cooking. I do very little. easy stuff that can be cooked in one pot with a minimum of standing. Husband has been good to run the vacuum, wash a dish on occasion, though he has offered to bring my office chair into the kitchen to ease my dish washing duties. I wash them. It just takes a while. I have to sit down a lot.. LOL Hubby has also swished a brush around in the toilet a few times. I don't look at the tub anymore. I just work on getting myself in and out in one piece.
Hubby has also taken over breakfast making duties. If you are all into oatmeal, cheerios, or toast, stop by. he'll whip you up some. :)
I have a Dr.'s appt. next week. hopefully the MRI will show us if there is anything that needs to be fixed. My knee dude left this area so I'll have to get a referal to another surgeon. I'm hoping we can just put the sassy thing in a brace for some healing time, or do more Physical Therapy.
I do have an exciting time lying in bed and watching TV. My set is old and we brought it home from Ky. I couldn't remember why until I had my first knee surgery in May. The delightful little thing occasionally decides to turn itself off. Yep about every two minutes. I think one of us has to go. I don't think it will be me. When I can manage sitting in the living room I do. The best seat in the house is my office chair in front of the computer. LOL how odd. No really it is the least painful position for my knee.
I am hoping for a pain free knee before Christmas. I'm really starting to wonder. If something doesn't happen soon, my summer will be gone, And I will have spent it sitting in the house. This thing better get better quick.