Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Day in the Life: Tues. pt. 7 (the last one)

After watching evening TV. I head back to the computer. The past week Cindy and I have played Scrabble in the late evening. It gives us both something to do. Cindy is a brilliant scrabble player. If I can get within 100 pts. I'm thrilled. I'm getting a little better.. I apparently need to learn some 5 and 6 letter words. I'm good at 3 and 4.

After the girls go to bed. Our psycho kitty Sylvester makes his entrance. He and the dogs do not like each other. He stays in one of the bedrooms and naps most of the day. He is an elderly gentleman and prefers napping to mouse hunting adventures. He comes out after the girls are put in the crates for the night. He gets his petting and loving.. then sleeps next to hubby most of the night.. his purring keeps us awake. Now that he is older.. (13) his snoring keeps us awake too.

Well, I'm back where I started.. turning off the computer and heading for bed. It was a fun day. I even got a quick nap in after supper. I won't bore you with anymore of the mundane everyday stuff I do.. I have routine on most days.. the rest of the days, I'll just post the special things/extra things I do that day. I have a fun week ahead. Well, mostly fun.

Now did you join in???? If not.. start today. Grab a camera. get some photos. jot down things about them.. then scrap them. fun, fun, fun, thanks Sharyn for starting me on this.. I'm having a blast.

This one last photo I took this afternoon on the way home from the hospital. It's where I worship each Sunday. It's where I learned about a God that loved me and sent His son to Die for my sins. It's where I learn His word, and Sing of His Glory. It's where I work along side others and serve. It's where I Worship.. It's Home to me. More photos of it later..
Good night..
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