As some of you know I belong to a Troop Support Group..
"My Heart Supports The Troops" ( Our group mails Theme packages to our deployed Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan about every 2 weeks for the length of their deployment.
The photo above was taken at one of the many events we are invited to each year. We set up the trailer at various events in the area. We have information about the group available, letters from the Troops, photos they have sent us, along with some cool stuff that is available for a donation.. The donations are used to pay our shipping costs.
I love attending the events. I love meeting people, especially our Troops and their families. At many of the events we bring stuff and let anyone who wants, pack a box complete with a note from that person. It's interesting to watch the people who will pack a box. They are hesitant at first, then once they start they really get into it.
I've been part of the group since May of 2003. (they started in March of 2003) I love it. It is one of the most fulfilling things I've ever done. The group members can adopt a name off the list. That means that they will pack that box, write letters, and add an extra little treat or two occasionally. I've met some of the most delightful young men and women during the last few years. I still hear from a few of them even though they have returned home. I have made some great new friends too.
I hope that if you get the opportunity, that you support our Troops in a similar way. Letters from home are so important. We just had two of our Troops visit our last meeting. They both repeated what we have heard from every person on our list. " The boxes are great".. "It's so great to know we have so much support from home" etc. the list could go on and on.
take time today to thank a member of our Military. Let them know you support them.