Most of Papa's family members didn't have TV. They still don't.. some days I think they really did have the right idea.. their kids don't spend countless hours in front of the tv or video games.. they read, and play and use their imaginations, they even play outside.. yes, shocking, I know.. but it's true.. anyway.. My Aunt Vi and Uncle Romie had a big farm in Ohio.. They raised a few sheep, and grew acres of the best peaches in the world.. anyway.. they had a TV... Of course it was never on when there were guests at the house. I'm not really sure now exactly how it all came about.. but Uncle Romie was right on top of the news and I'm sure knew that the moon walk would be on that day.. all us kids were outside playing.. some kid game I'm sure.. I don't remember now, but I do remember being called into the house with all the other kids.. Us kids all gathered on the floor in front of the TV. The adults did a huddle too. I remember the old black and white set.. that little box where you could see such amazing things.. We were all about to see THE most amazing thing.. A man walk on the moon. You could have heard a pin drop.. I think we all held our breaths as that first leg came down on the ladder then the other one.. not long after the foot that touched the Moon and those famous words.. "One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind".. It was truly Amazing.. I'm not sure how long we all sat there... not long I'm sure. I know the adults talked about it the rest of the day. Us kids, well we went back to our playing.. I remember Uncle Romie telling me I could have a lamb to take home. I just couldn't understand why I could not have a lamb in town. I knew it wouldn't get any bigger then our dog.. LOL I remember watching that footage of the walk over and over.. that and we watched all the stuff.. riding in that cool moon vehicle, (can't remember what it was called right now) , and the golf balls being hit.. LOL it was something..
Husband's Great Uncle Dewy was positive that the moon excursions never took place.. "they had just taken the stuff to a big movie lot somewhere and staged the whole thing" he would say.. I was surprised to find out that some folks really believe this.. Me, I believe men walked on the moon..
I can remember as a little girl looking at the big moon.. my Papa would take me up in his arms and tell me the moon was made of cheese.. that or he would have me wave at the "man in the moon"... either way.. I loved the moon. it was so pretty and bright.. comforting in it's own way.. This spring during an especially beautiful day.. I could see the moon, so big and so close and in the daylight.. I grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots.. I waved at the man in the moon.. told him not to eat all the cheese.. and I remembered the "one small step for man, One giant leap for mankind"... and a Sunday in 1969 in a living room, with the family.. watching a miracle.. an amazing thing.. man walking on the moon...